So - as I struggled to think of something thoughtful to give the members of the team for Christmas this year (yes, I ended up giving good ol’ reliable Starbucks gift cards), Jaime found just the PERFECT gift and she was generous and got one for everyone . . . a nice green plant for our individual workspaces.
At first, I was VERY afraid that I would kill it, like I’ve done several times before. (Yes, Amy, I know - I was very very sad). Let’s just say that I don’t have a very green thumb. Jaime assured me that she gave a form of cactus plants in order to be very low maintenance. Good thinking! As you can see, mine is still alive - and it’s been a month!
I love plants - and our office is so much nicer looking with everyone having a cute little touch of green on their desk. We’re all committed to keeping them very alive and well. I’ve even had folks remind me to water before leaving for the weekend.
I’ve been thinking of a name for him, like “Mr. Green Jeans” (in honor of Captain Kangeroo’s sidekick soooo long ago). This was a really terrific holiday gift idea and would also be very appropriate for an officemate’s birthday.