Tuesday, September 28, 2010

falling for . . . far

There’s a chill in the air - finally! I actually wore a fall jacket today! The weather was gorgeous and crisp. Today’s outfit was a celebration of professional warmth:
  • gray wool, pencil skirt (new!)
  • gray tights (that’s right - you heard me!)
  • burgundy mary jane heels (looking forward to high heel loafers, though)
  • crisp white shirt (tucked in and rolled up skinny sleeves)
  • gray, tweed jacket (only worn into the office - didn’t wear it during the day)
  • and the ultimate accessory: chunky bracelet (with tons of gray beads)

I was in a great mood ALL day long. Maybe it was the new skirt, maybe breaking into some fall attire - who knows? 

It’s fall, baby! (And now for some sinus medicine!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

monday with a happy

Today Rob comes back in town from a week of vacation. During that week he celebrated his 1st wedding anniversary and also his birthday. He’s returning to a very busy week, of course, so - Jaime suggested that we make sure to not have the usual cup cake fair to welcome him back with. Husband Todd to the rescue with a yummy, homemade strawberry cake. Hopefully, this will be just the right touch of “welcome back,” “happy birthday,” & “happy anniversary” all in one. 

(Smells really good. Both of the kiddos want some.)

Monday, September 20, 2010

stylin' (literally!)

Today I’m meeting a garment stylist that I’ve never worked with before to help me set up for Tuesday’s photo shoot. I’m excited because this is the Land Of Opportunity. Lots to get done, but BEYOND excited about it!

She’s got her work cut out for her, though - all kinds of seasons to cover, all types of clothing (and accessories). I think she’ll be very prepared and talented, based on the amount of experience she brings to the assignment. (TONS!)

Needless to say - this Monday is going to be GOOD!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

getting some ZZZZs

I don’t know about you, but the past couple of weeks have been Extremely Busy. The first week of September involved a super heavy workload - that kept me working day and night. The second week included house guests and evenings out Every Single Night of the week - only to be concluded with a weekend getaway. 

Basically, I’ve been operating on very little rest and it’s my goal to get back into my usual (healthier) routine. I know that I feel better, have better stress tolerance, and really believe that I process things faster and make better decisions.

This is the week that things will get back to normal. That doesn’t mean slow (by any means), but at least - it will be more typical and I can really ensure that I can get my usual ZZZZs. 

Besides, I NEED all the beauty rest I can get.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

snack happy

So - sometimes I want something sweet in the afternoons (like dessert after lunches).  When I do - I either grab an apple or pear (watch out for the juice!) . . . 

OR . . . . 

gum. I chew the green flavor, but I don’t just chew one piece - no. if I enjoy one piece of gum - I will have just had four within the hour.

(Still beats candy or cookies for the good ol’ afternoon pick me up!) 

And yes, that is an extra Luna Bar, but that is for the emergency I-didn’t-bring-my-lunch-and-now-it’s-too-late-to-go-pick-some-up moment.

What’s in your snack drawer?