Monday, May 31, 2010

happy day off!

Hope your day off today was as family-filled nice as mine! Thank you to the veterans who served our great country!

Friday, May 28, 2010

knowing your stuff

I had a VP once that always had her people in leadership positions reading and giving what were essentially casual book reports. It was to her super important for us to be informed of the latest industry business theories. The other work practice that she stressed to us was to be well aware of what our competitors were doing. It gave me a whole respect for what “research” could do for my career.

Many years, leaders and even companies later, I still consider this idea of research to be a very important responsibility. I like to be the person who has a very important article regarding my industry to pass around the office. 

Reading up on industry news displays an interest in your industry, shows engagement in your company and will help to gain knowledge which you can apply each day for better-informed decisions.

It’s just part of my “homework” and yes, it’s an investment, but it really pays off at work. I read print magazines, books and industry publications as well as subscribe to certain websites. Also, I REALLY keep an eye on my competitors to study strategies and brand positioning (which is key to knowing what you need to do to differentiate your own brand).

What do you do to stay ahead of the knowledge curve for your career?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

where have i been?

I seriously didn’t know that silver binder clips existed until I was handed a presentation with one the other day. Af first, I just found it slightly unusual, but now I’m LOVING the silver binder clip (and am very curious about the gold). The one that I received added just a little more polish than the usual black. I did a little digging and in case you’re also curious here’s the info: 
- they come in packs of 30, assorted sizes (mini, small and medium)
- made of durable steel metal with a smooth, polished finish
- $4.99 each at OfficeMax
- $2.19 each at Office Depot

Staples also has silver binder clips - pack of 40 with small & medium sizes, but they don’t look as shiny silver (could just be the photography). Their price for a pack of 40 is $3.99. 

After researching further online - who knew that you can express yourself in a plethora of design and color options for binder clips? They are actually available in just about any style you could want. It’s really amazing. I found a JUMBO size (for all of you matchy-match folk - like me) on Amazon, but it currently says “unavailable.” I HOPE that this means that they’re just temporarily out of stock (otherwise I would seriously need to reconsider).

Anyway - go find the perfect binder clip that speaks to you. You might make someone else realize what amazing office style you have! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

where the mess is

Okay - so that picture is embarrassing. It’s my kitchen and this is the exact way I found it when I got home tonight from work (and picking up the daughter from cheer practice).  There are school projects that have already been graded and sent home, toys, books, a box FULL of crafty materials (for any creative notion that my kiddos have), and yes - that’s a cooler with a foam fan finger (can’t really explain that!). 

I really do strive for crisp, clean, organized, being “on top of things” in the office - EVERY DAY. Leaving work with papers on my desk makes me cringe. Finding neat-looking , but unusual containers is my idea of a Saturday morning well spent. Projects need to have schedules and to meet their deadlines (with creative objectives met). I like to be prepared for meetings and to be a contributor. Looking my best for work is also important: office appropriate outfit (including cute shoes!), good makeup (lip gloss always with me), and good hair. I like to basically “have it together” and to be considered a strong asset where I work.

Once I get home in the evenings (which is frequently late) - I do not immediately tell the kids to clean up their stuff from the kitchen table. The moment I enter the house, I’m trying to determine best late meals for us, what the new “note from the teachers” are all about, and I tend to trade my high heels for comfy slippers. Tickle fights, riding bikes or just spending time with the kids. 

I realize that this area of my house is messy. While I’m a little specific about neatness at the office - clearly, I like comfort of imperfection at home.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

when life gives you lemons

You know it’s a Monday when you actually arrive at the office nice and EARLY (to get a jump on the upcoming super busy day) and apparently all technology is failing you. It turns out the breaker switch for my office was “tricked” over the weekend and none of my outlets were working. 

The good news was that the cause of the failed technology was figured out really fast, FIXED super quick and I was able to get on with my awesome (okay, I’m just trying to convince myself on that note) Monday.

Lessons learned?
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff
  • It pays to have a good relationship with the office tech gurus
  • It’s also really nice to work with people who want to be helpful
  • Once something starts your day on a “bad” note, look for the good side of it to quickly turn it around for yourself

Monday, May 24, 2010

seeing red

Maybe I’m just TOO excited about the upcoming holiday weekend, but this week - the nails are red. Really red. It started as an idea for observing Pentecostal Sunday, but now I’m really feeling the short, powerful color being just perfect for this week.
For a little boost of confidence, try Essie’s Russian Roulette.

Friday, May 21, 2010

treasure bound and treasure found

On a recent antique shopping trip with my mom, I found a set of water color paintings. There were four of them - three framed alike and this one (lower left side) with the black frame. I knew the moment I saw them that they would be perfect for both home and work. They’re signed and dated, apparently had a spell in Edinburgh (according to the old label on the back), and I think are lovely. 

I can’t believe how much a difference this new addition to my office wall has made. Such a nice change of scenery.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

don't call it a diary

I take notes and I’m particular about how I take them. 
I have a certain type of notebook that I use to keep pretty much all of my work notes together in. This notebook goes with me to each meeting, presentation and brainstorm that I attend. I sketch in this notebook to help me develop concepts for projects or to help me explain what I’m thinking to others in a meeting. If I’m in a meeting about one topic, but someone brings up a former meeting or different discussion), I would expect to be able to find my notes from that meeting.
I use tabs marked with subjects to help me find just the specific topic that I’m looking for. These tabs might be for important meetings, projects or planning notes for an upcoming fiscal quarter. These help me find what I’m looking for quickly.
It’s spiral bound. No loose sheets to easily lose, leave behind in a different subject folder or get crinkled (neatness is key).
I give each new section of notes a date and topic label - so I can quickly remember what and when certain ideas were discussed or thought of.
I write in pencil (and carry an eraser). I can keep my thoughts as neat and organized as possible with this pencil AND my newest trick is to highlight SUPER important stuff. I LOVE going back over notes with a highlighter (I use pink and green colors!) to help things stand out amongst all of the gray pencil. But I only use the highlighter sparingly. 
Yes, I have been known to pass time in a meeting doodling (no doubt). But, don’t call it a diary. I don’t write personal feelings down in it. It’s completely boring and senseless to a stranger. But to me, this system is priceless!
How do you keep your thoughts organized?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

paranoia, self destroyer

So, many things happen in a work environment that can seem to all add up to some big conspiracy or drama - if you let it.

What’s the point of trying to guess what other people’s intentions are? Some people are hard to read because they can smile and seem as though everything is just fine, but what’s really going on behind those smiles can be very different. I had a boss like this once. It was very challenging to understand his communication because he would take a weekly update meeting amongst directors and turn it into a mental battlefield. I witnessed how some of those that he seemed to “target” would react. Some would be defensive, mad or upset, or worse: paranoid (calling me at home about what he “meant” by certain comments). But, one of my peers was really REALLY smart. She had confidence when everyone else was basically carnage. Her confidence came from knowing her stuff (job). We all were hard workers, but she was smart and never let the mean boss see her sweat when he would put the pressure on. It was inspiring.

When it feels as though someone has placed some sort of bullseye on your back, don’t get paranoid. The best thing you can do for your career is to avoid office drama and simply focus on your job. Know your stuff. Prove your position within the company by not giving into the office chatter, but by developing solutions and new processes - things that you know your office needs. 

What office needs more drama or gossip? This isn’t high-school.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

everything in its place

I used to keep my Sharpies and highlighters in their packaging. At some point - I decided to search for a container that would look nice on my desk, fit in nicely with my other desktop accessories, and be functional. I found it at the local antique mall (with my mom’s help). Solid milk glass with leaf pattern, a heck of a bargain for $4. I love it. 

What do you think?

Monday, May 17, 2010

getting ready

For me, getting ready for Monday means to work a little in my home office - making notes to myself and thinking through the upcoming week, project schedules and crafting my “to do” list. Having to concentrate with a messy, overstuffed bookshelf looking at me is just too difficult. This distracts me and adds stress (like another burden of something weighing me down). Although, you can see that I still have areas to sift through and file, I recycled a LOT and I’m heading back into work with a very organized vibe and ready to roll!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


SOOOOO excited!!!! Testing my new SUPER fast MacBook Pro!!! LOVE it!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

seriously amazing!!!!

Great, great book!!!! Great pictures of really creative work environments from all around the world. SO inspiring. You can get it online at ($50), but this was a gift to me that I’ll be LOVING for a very loooong time! (My husband ROCKS!!!)
HIGHLY recommend!! Huge fan! 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

when you just can't decide

You know those mornings when you stand in your closet thinking - “okay, what am I going to wear today?” One safe answer is to wear black, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. You’re not in a “black” mood. (Hey . . . it happens.)

The alternative solution is to give the ol’ crisp white shirt a try. White shirts can go with ANYTHING, just about ANY color and will give you an immediate “professional” vibe. White shirts look good under cardigans, under jackets, paired with a nice scarf - just an easy wardrobe staple.

UGH - but be careful about what you eat or drink for lunch! Any splatter or drop on that crisp, clean, pristine shirt can RUIN that whole “Professional You” moment. (Yep, that’s experience talking to ‘ya on that note. Who else is with me on that?)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

sittin' and spinnin'

I had a boss that once said, “You should never have to wait on technology. Technology should wait on you.” 

UGH - it just doesn’t work that way. I have a super-fast MacBook Pro with an amazing internet connection, but still - there are moments when it just seems to need a moment to spin (ahem, “process”). There I am - waiting on technology to help me keep up with the fast pace of the day and thinking of my former boss. 

Sometimes it’s a welcome break that allows for a "get up and walk" somewhere moment, but generally, those spinny wheel moments occur just when you need to get something done for an important deadline. It’s like Murphy’s Technology Law.

Come on you know it’s true!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

so you say it's your . . . .

Ahhhh - having a birthday at the office. 

Don’t mind saying that I’m a BIG fan of the monthly birthday (and anniversary) celebration. It makes work so much less awkward. People know what to expect and there aren’t surprises or anyone feeling like someone was treated more special than others. Keep it simple and nice (no drama) - not too extravagant, and easy to get back to business.

There was a time when people went a little over the top. (No, really - there was a feather boa involved at one point! Shudder!)

At one company, we always went out to eat for lunch. The supervisor bought the birthday guy/girl’s lunch while everyone else went dutch. That was charming until the one person who intentionally ordered a TON of food (so much so that everyone noticed). Uncool. Also, with everyone in attendance, the lunches could take forever (depending on the restaurant choice and the service level at that restaurant). OR - the birthday was on a difficult day to go out for lunch (who does that on a regular basis anymore??). We also did silly things, like make buttons for either the birthday person to wear - or for EVERYONE else to wear in “honor” of the birthday person. There could be photocopied signs posted in lobbies and elevators - wherever the most prominent and embarrassing place to advertise - a birthday announcement could be found there.

At another organization, every birthday was celebrated with either a cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, chips and salsa, ice cream sandwiches or a popcorn tasting. Everyone needed to have cute plates, utensils, and overall decor. The entire department would gather and sing (yep) while the lucky birthday girl/guy would be the center of attention (which is really awful if you’re not a big ham at heart). While it was a nice gesture, it was really not very practical as the department grew. 

The simple approach is more comfortable (I hope!) for everyone. On the monthly food day, people bring in whatever they want/can bring. There are donuts and bagels and all kinds of breakfast items (even fresh fruit!); then for lunch, the department generally has pizza. When the usual gathering occurs over cake - it’s for at least a couple of people (especially when you factor in company anniversaries).

How do you feel about work birthday celebrations?

Monday, May 10, 2010

um, no thanks.

Big trend in beauty is the color purple. So - yesterday I tried the lilac nails. 

They didn’t make it to this morning’s shower, much less a day at the office.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

thanks for the guilt trip

Dear 3rd grade teacher - 

Uncool. I understand that you need to fill your day with fun activities to help pass the very long school year with my child, but WHY do you need to drag me into it? 

The last I checked, Mother’s Day is this SUNDAY (on the WEEKEND) - not Friday at 2pm in the school cafeteria. The fact that you’ve had my child working on a poem for the past three weeks (and he is all ready to read aloud to me in front of his class) - just really upsets me. I can’t be there. I’ve explained to him that I can’t wait to see him when I get home from work and that I love him very much. BTW, I also gave him a pass on the “please dress in your Sunday best” - since he really won’t be having tea with me. Hope that’s okay.

Tonight we’re going to ride bikes together. And I’ll look forward to my Mother’s Day (the REAL one) on Sunday.

every little bit

I recycle. Extra paper comes from lots of places: 
  • extra meeting handouts
  • office junk mail
  • cleaning out old files
  • old research materials, survey results, project collateral

It all adds up and can make for very overstuffed file drawers and a desk piled high with stacks of papers. 

Just clean out and do it the green way. My method is pretty darn old school - I keep the same brown paper Target bag & when it starts to get full - I take it to the recycle bin. 

No biggie and not hard to do. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

making up for lost time

The unexpected meeting that comes out of nowhere! It seriously wasn’t on my calendar, but it happened - an unscheduled, very important (two hour!) meeting smack in the middle of an already very full day. 

Had to attend. Had to participate - so while I took other work to look at while trying hard to remain fully engaged in the important meeting, the meeting totally won. It’s impossible for me not to pay attention to items for which I’m responsible.

The meeting aftermath? Work through lunch, work fast, do the best job possible with the time I have and stay focused (and away from email!).

Did it work? We’ll know tomorrow. Been there, done that? How did you handle it?

Monday, May 3, 2010

make it yours

I want art in my office that makes me smile. I like bright, old pieces that I can find in any antique store. I like finding them and then trying to determine the story behind them (like the picture from Paris).
I also like cross-stitched pieces. Many people thought they might have been made by me. I do not have a crafty talent bone in my body - but I just LOVE the coziness that a nice, bright, fabric piece brings into the environment. 
In a different office (with a different company), I had one big print. It was silly - and it reminded me of The GoGo’s “Vacation” video. That print brought the importance of why I work into my office (which I needed in that particular gig).
But in my now office (with the antique personal treasures - including little pieces of china that hold office essentials), I feel comfortable, safe and inspired to create. It’s an office that many 80-year-olds would feel completely at home  resting in. 

That part kinda of makes me giggle.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

touch of nature

I've always been fascinated by the little something extra that people add to their daily wardrobe. I am a big fan of a certain accessory - the wooden bead. On various vacations, I've found a few pieces that I really enjoy adding to some of my standard outfits which make them feel a little more exotic (at least to me).

Wooden jewelry adds a little spice and looks good with so many colors and styles. I love it with black!  Courtney (the mom on the new Bravo TV series "9 by Design") reminded me of this. She wears a wooden bracelet (along with several string bracelets and a big man's watch). 

I've literally stopped people in airports to compliment their pieces of interesting jewelry and really question where they had gotten them. It's a great way to meet interesting people.

I enjoy adding a single piece of interest to a very typical working outfit. One long strand of little wooden beads to a simple white shirt - SO COOL, stylish, yet so humble. It's a great idea for this coming week.