Wednesday, October 27, 2010

well well well

The last couple of weeks have been super busy - considering I’ve been concentrating on a better work/life balance. But just when the “leave the office at a decent hour” effort began - work got crazy. 

Can’t really say exactly what all sort of exploded on my desk, but suffice it to say - my balance was WAY off and the stress that this caused only made matters worse. This is when I learned that I don’t Have To Have everything in perfect balance. Sometimes work just takes over (depending on how important some major project is) and as long as you’re getting enjoyment out of some aspect of that work - and the home life is in good hands - then by golly Work It Out!

What’s also important is the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew that I was experiencing my job a little off kilter because while I usually work late, I don’t usually feel so overwhelmed. However, I knew that the early drives into the office and the super late exits were not “normal” and I could pinpoint when the major stress project would be complete. 

Once those weeks of insane hours were over, I immediately could recognize God in some significant details. I enjoyed my “regular” long hours so much more - with more energy and a better attitude. Ultimately, I remember just how much I LIKE what I do for a living and who I am blessed to work with each day. 

So - back to the grind? Yep - kinda happy about that! And now more time to write for Paperclip also! 

It’s win-win for me!

Monday, October 18, 2010

always a sucker for an accent

I’m super excited about this week. 

LOTS to do.

I’m starting off with a meeting today that is long, but interesting. The company will bring in folks from all over the world and I’ll get to hear first-hand what they’re doing to help the business succeed. I’m really looking forward to their presentations (and accents!).

Back at the office - I have a bazillion performance reviews to write. They’re due soon, but I want to ensure that the reviews are going to deliver good coaching and push people forward in their careers. 

Then tonight, I have a dinner with all of the people from the meeting earlier today. I’m looking forward to getting to know more people in the company.

I’ve had the outfit picked out since last Wednesday. I want to look uber polished and professional today. Nice gray, longer pencil skirt feels just perfect to me!

Monday, October 11, 2010


You’re gonna laugh.

I’m leading a series of discussions about work/life balance in my Sunday School class. 

The real joke of that (which I’ve completely admitted to) is that this class is selfishly very much for me. My balance is (and has been for years) very skewed toward work.

I’m sure you’re shocked, all things considered. NOT.

Anyhoo, so yesterday we put our lives in a pie chart; trying to determine how our lives currently would map out. The homework is for us to take a look at the top five passions of our lives and see how well our actual time is being spent compared to the priorities that we say we value most.

The examples above were done VERY hastily (our class isn’t very long), but already I see some probable “latte factors” and some areas which should be essentials (but currently don’t get a lot of attention) in my schedule that need addressing. (Hey, I’ll admit that I’m FAR from perfect and generally very selfish.)

If you were to do the same, how do you think you would feel about how you’re spending the very valuable resource of time? 

Everyone says what a “gift” time is. Watching how quickly my kiddos are growing up . . . well, it’s pleasant and painful. The one thing I don’t want to have happen is for my time to be up and to feel as though I messed up by not devoting it to the areas that really needed it. Here’s to rethinking what’s important, what I’m passionate about - and how I’m spending my valuable resource of time.

It’s like walking a tightrope - balancing that passion for a meaningful career and also a meaningful and loving family life. Nope - it’s not the first time that I’ve gone through this exercise, but every time I do it - I find it extremely beneficial to stop and pay attention to what my time commitments are and whether I need to make some changes. 

The winds of change are blowing . . . . 

Monday, October 4, 2010

when it all starts to fall apart

Another vice that I have (one of many):

I watch TV. 

I’ve considered a MILLION times that I should really just shut it off and tune it out, but for some reason (since I was a kid) TV has been a part of my life.

Well - in a recent episode of Project Runway - one of the designers has a difficult time finishing the assignment because the vision of what she wanted to create wasn’t coming together and she felt like she was going to have to compromise the integrity of her work by continuing on. (Ok - this plot actually happens on just about EVERY episode of Project Runway. Again, I DO wonder why I even bother watching.)

Anyway . . . (sigh) in her case, she tells the camera (us): “So I have to start over; get my head in the game; stop talking, and focus.” In the end, she prevails.

Then in a different episode: Michael Kors (one of the judges on the show, for those who don’t watch it), says of a different designer’s work: “ Everyone in life, regardless of what you do, you’re going to have difficult moments. And I think he (speaking of a specific  designer) showed us today, he’s gonna work with the difficulties in his life and not let them stop him. If anything, they’re going to propel him!”

Basically, it’s always very inspiring to see someone who is on the brink of giving up or breaking down not only finish, but actually succeed! It feels almost like a choice that they make. When things get tough, pull it together and push through with thoughtfulness.

I guess that’s why I Tivo this particular show every week. (Gossip Girl, however, I have NO excuses.)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

balancing art

I LOVE my job (why do I always list this first???).

I LOVE my family.

I LOVE my God and church.

I am blessed and I KNOW it.

Okay - but, I’m one of those types of people that has a hard time with balancing these joys. I work late. I have a bazillion errands on the weekends. I am trying to not freak out over how much there is to do and how little time there always seems to be. It’s a struggle to be cool and not get caught up in some drama or chaos.

I’m also trying to teach my kiddos my values - and sometimes I know that they appear very out of wack.

Needless to say - I’m excited about a new book that I recently purchased. 

One Year of Inspiration for Girlfriends . . . Juggling Not-So-Perfect, Often-Crazy, but Gloriously Real Lives

Yep - that’s the title (which is really long) and the author is Ellen Miller.

I happen to know this author - she’s a former boss and I really like her. Ellen is very smart and witty. She’s been crazy busy and understands living through a stressful, nutty life. She’s been an executive within the corporate world and now she owns her own marketing agency all while being a wife, mom and very active church member. She’s always a million percent in when she’s committed to something. She has a very close group of friends that are her support system - and her husband is amazingly supportive of her as well. When I first met her in the office (on the first day of her job), I told her “I’m going to be a sponge around you - just so I can learn EVERYTHING from you.” 

(Yes, looking back - I realize how silly that sounds, but if you met her - you maybe would have said something just as silly. No, Really.)

She’s super stylish - always looks AMAZING and exudes confidence. She was the first person in my career who actually cared about the art in her office! Highly organized and very pulled together. And she has a very optimistic personality (i.e. high energy and very happy). She beams. If this lady had “bad days” (even a “bad hair day”), no one EVER knew it. Not that she’s perfect, because she’s not. BUT, she’s REALLY close.

I’ve gotten Ellen’s “Truth Nuggets” via email for years - and this is taking them to the next level. She’s organized them into different segments, with daily reading entries (like a daily devotional) and includes a work sheet at the end of each. I’m hoping that I’ll gleam ANY advice, strategy that will help me create more balance between all of the different facets of my life. I’ve told my husband a million times that I just need to do a better job of work/life balance. Uh huh.

So, it’s time for me to put up or shut up on this topic. Wish me luck!