Monday, October 11, 2010


You’re gonna laugh.

I’m leading a series of discussions about work/life balance in my Sunday School class. 

The real joke of that (which I’ve completely admitted to) is that this class is selfishly very much for me. My balance is (and has been for years) very skewed toward work.

I’m sure you’re shocked, all things considered. NOT.

Anyhoo, so yesterday we put our lives in a pie chart; trying to determine how our lives currently would map out. The homework is for us to take a look at the top five passions of our lives and see how well our actual time is being spent compared to the priorities that we say we value most.

The examples above were done VERY hastily (our class isn’t very long), but already I see some probable “latte factors” and some areas which should be essentials (but currently don’t get a lot of attention) in my schedule that need addressing. (Hey, I’ll admit that I’m FAR from perfect and generally very selfish.)

If you were to do the same, how do you think you would feel about how you’re spending the very valuable resource of time? 

Everyone says what a “gift” time is. Watching how quickly my kiddos are growing up . . . well, it’s pleasant and painful. The one thing I don’t want to have happen is for my time to be up and to feel as though I messed up by not devoting it to the areas that really needed it. Here’s to rethinking what’s important, what I’m passionate about - and how I’m spending my valuable resource of time.

It’s like walking a tightrope - balancing that passion for a meaningful career and also a meaningful and loving family life. Nope - it’s not the first time that I’ve gone through this exercise, but every time I do it - I find it extremely beneficial to stop and pay attention to what my time commitments are and whether I need to make some changes. 

The winds of change are blowing . . . . 


  1. Got your back on this.
    Thought it might be the winds of something else, I dunno, metamorphosis, maybe, but nope, now I'm convinced it's change.
    In sort of a east-westerly fashion, if I'm not mistaken.


  2. Yes, well - the moment I wrote this - I had a very nasty sinus case on my hands last week. Kept me VERY unbalanced at home and work. Just gross. Glad it's (almost) over. Why is the nagging cough always the last to leave?
