Monday, January 10, 2011

what 'cha gonna do?

It’s not a new topic (in fact, I’m behind most posts about this), but they say when you set a goal, to share that goal with others so you’ll be more likely to KEEP that goal.
So - here goes, my personal 2011 goals:
  1. Get “cut.” This is a goal that I’m sharing with my husband. We’ve been training for more than a couple of years, he’s run a half-marathon, and we are both extremely active in a bootcamp. We’re putting the work in, but our nutrition is not where it should be. This is the year that we’re going to take that topic more seriously, and hopefully really see all of the work that we’re putting our bodies through really create more definition. How will this help me in the office? Increase my confidence. Just that simple.
  2. Continue to improve This blog is really important to me, and I want to continue to focus on it and really develop it as I believe it should be. I have plans, now I need to set a timeline and get moving. How does this blog help me in the office? It gives me a completely different perspective on my work environment. I’m more of a student in the office than I’ve ever been. I realize how much I have to learn, and I’m fascinated every day about people’s work habits, routines and personalities. I’m constantly recognizing great post topics (so much happens!). 
  3. Build industry relationships. My husband (in sales - go figure) has been very clear that I should get out more. No, he does not mean “have a girls nite.” He means for me to find an organization of professionals that would be a peer group for me and to become a member, get involved and NETWORK. How will this help me in the office? When I have an open position, hopefully - thanks to my involvement in my organization - I’ll already know who I want to fill it.
  4. Focus on my family. (HOW MANY GOALS CAN ONE PERSON MAKE???) But, it’s true. I need to ensure that when I leave the office (hopefully not as late as much), I LEAVE the office. Meaning, I leave all of the “stuff that happened” there - and mentally I let go of it all. This will help me to really listen to my kids when they’re telling me about their day, and my dear, sweet hubby too, because I won’t be secretly thinking about an upcoming meeting or rehashing a conversation gone wrong. How will this help me in the office? I’ll be more focused while I’m at work on work, and I’ll come back after a weekend feeling more energy and refreshed because I spent time away from the office doing things and spending time with others that are my priority.
  5. Work on my listening skills and having more patience. I’ve realized that I’m not a very good listener. I enjoy talking (presentations are actually FUN for me). What can I say? I’m a ham. What I’ve started to learn is that great leaders (Really.Great.Leaders) are actually great listeners. This will improve so many relationships (both in and out of the office), that I’m very excited about this goal. Along with developing my listening skills, I would also benefit from being less impatient. I generally want what I want, when I want it. This attitude doesn’t make for a very good listener, huh? Yep - need to work on these areas. I think it’s very obvious about how these will benefit me in the office, so I’m skipping that part.
  6. Get more sleep. This goal goes along with the “get cut” goal. I want to feel well rested, and look better and I think being tired is one of the WORST feelings. I like energy, I like looking alive and healthy. Sleep is important for making better decisions and (LORD KNOWS) I cold benefit from this! How will this help me in the office? I’ll be in a better mood, less snippy, and my overall productivity will improve.
  7. Go digital in meetings. Yep - I SAID IT. I’m thinking that when the new iPad launches (with the camera that it is rumored to have), I’m going to invest in one and start using it for notes in meetings. To have all of my notes be digital files (instead of having a desk drawer with old notebooks in them) will be much more efficient and productive, than my current notebook system. I don’t write notes quickly because I’m usually preoccupied by how “neat” or “well organized” my notes are. How will this help me in the office? Having notes saved by keywords that I can pull up in a meeting will be VERY helpful. (Hint Hint, honey! And yes, I know you need one, too!)
  8. Make my vacation time COUNT. Last year, we wanted to go somewhere for Spring Break, but let the time slip up on us without making the plans. We’ve already been talking about going skiing this year. Now we just need to plan the trip and GO. I want quality time. I want good times (fun for everyone). I want my kids to learn something or grow a skill. I want to get away and not wonder what I’m missing in the office (yeah, like THAT’s going to happen - but one can dream!). So far, we’ve kicked around our kids first trip overseas, a ski trip and a trip to see some close relatives. We’ve officially planned nothing - so we need to GET ON THIS. Office? Yep - they want someone who enjoys a balanced life to work there. It’s better for everyone if I can lose the control freak inside (at least a little).
I’m sure there’s more I should do, but really - the fewer items on my list, the better my focus will be. And yes, I kicked around the idea of trying to cut back on my TV viewing, but really - I’m already pretty focused on that. It would be more of a continuation of this goal from 2010. I’d be better off to mention that I might try to cook something (without having a lot of smoke or fire in my kitchen). But that’s really far down on my list - and quite honestly a long shot. 
What’s on your list? Oh come on, I KNOW you’ve thought about it! 
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