Tuesday, August 27, 2013

new tools: fresh perspective

I had decided before going on my vacation that these two books would be my beach reads. I heard about them from my friend Jen at work. Neither of them are very racy. In fact, I’m sure that to most, these would be pretty sad options for a summery, breezy day - but I knew that I needed to recharge and rethink some of my work habits. These are just the perfect books to help with this.

One book was called, “Making Ideas Happen” by Scott Belsky.

The other was called, “Manage Your Day-To-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus & Sharpen Your Creative Mind” by Jocelyn K. Glei.

I really enjoyed both books. I gained a lot of inspiration and good tips about organizing my thoughts and daily routine, keeping the creative ideas coming and then understanding how to process the ideas that are worth pursuing. 

In this day and age with all of the possible distractions and time wasting activities (but who DOESN’T love to play a word search game on the ol’ iPad?), it felt great just to get into a good book and complete it and feel like I learned something from the contents.

These books pushed me back into a good mentality - and I needed that. I needed the break from the work stress, but then I also needed the good kick in the pants (so to speak) from the “I don’t have time for myself” pity party. The “Manage Your Day-To-Day” book especially helped with this.

If you’re stuck like chuck, and need that extra push - read these books. They will inspire.

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