Friday, February 26, 2010

controversy . . . unexpected

Isn't it just the strangest thing when one of your trusted, fellow comrades turns on you? Who expects controversy at work? It happens all the time.

Everyone cares so much about their careers that even simple decisions can spark great controversy. Who knows why unexpectedly, controversy arises out of the deep, calm ocean of work, but it can absolutely explode all over your day. Why do these things happen?

Office peer pressure? Well, yes. Sometimes peers still act like high-school and it's really easy to go with the popular vote and suddenly everything that was previously discussed about a project is completely unsettled because "place name here" isn't happy.

Boss pressure? See "peer pressure" only insert about 12 million pounds of more pressure.

Bad day at the office? Of course, and it's really easy to take those days out on the closest, most convenient people or projects around.

Everyone is busier because we're all working with less than what we had before the recession (smaller budgets, fewer members on staff) but we're expected to produce bigger and better than last year's ( or last quarter's) results. With all of these pressures on everyone's shoulders - is it any wonder that we're about to snap - at even our most trusted office mates?

When it happens - which it will - just have patience and remember how the ultimate professional would react and try to be that person who takes the high road. If possible, avoid email responses - because they just get annoying (and crafting the most professional responses that have no biting tone in them takes a lot of time). A great way to deflate the controversy is to have empathy with your office mate. Give them a reason to respect your work performance - even in strained moments.

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