Friday, June 11, 2010

call it done

We’re coming to the end of the first week my kiddos have been out of school. They’ve been in a program all week which will end with a theatrical performance this weekend. 

It’s been an interesting week. 

Monday - During lunch, I snuck in some work on the kid’s program (the sheet that tells the audience who’s in the cast and the song order). The kids seemed to have had a terrific day. I came home to a husband (actually in town!) and a yummy dinner. It was a perfect summer evening!

Tuesday - 6am Boot Camp!!! Yay! It was a busy day for me at the office and I didn’t work on any of the program edits (whoops!). When I got home, the kids were a tad bit on edge. The husband was at some meeting for a group that he’s on the board of - and the meeting ran late. I ate (too many) Triscuits for dinner. Even though I was up early - I stayed up kinda late waiting for him (not smart, see Wednesday). 

Wednesday - We’re all very tired because my husband was up at 4:30(AM!) to catch an early flight to somewhere. This was the day where the kids needed a sack lunch for their extended rehearsal - and we were kinda crunched for time. I finished the program for the performance, barely by the deadline (I really should have worked on this on Tuesday). Then I had to leave from work early to take them to their well-doctor visit (for camp medical forms to get filled out - I’ll admit). This drove me a little nuts because I was leaving a meeting that I enjoy (I know - control freak), but I had no choice on this one. Whatev - so I meet the summer sitter and kids at the doctor’s office and took care of that business (read: lots of forms!). After that - we rushed Brooke over to her tumbling class where I had the pleasure of filling out more forms for her new cheer squad. Kids ate Sonic for dinner. I’m NOT proud of that, btw. And yes - by the time we got home, we were ALL absolutely cranky. The oldest kid starts telling me how much her younger brother has been bugging her ALL WEEK. Hello . . . . it’s only Wednesday! In a very adult voice, she tells me that she and her brother just “need to spend some time apart.” Oh really? I had soup for dinner and stayed up until 11pm catching up on “The City.”

Thursday - MUCH better outlook for the day. Boot camp was amazing. Remembered to write the check for the cleaning lady. Remembered to send $10 in an envelope with a specific mom’s name on it (for the program director’s gifts). Feeling good - man, what a workout can do for an attitude! Plus, I know that the husband is coming back in town today (of course he has evening plans). 
He calls: 
  • when he lands
  • when he decides to go out and pick up some items he promised the program director he would donate for costumes
  • when he also does me a HUGE favor by picking up some chinos for Brooke to wear (we bought Bradley’s size - since he’ll inherit them after this performance) 
  • when he remembered that we are the Friday Snack Parents for the rehearsal. 
He’s a good man even with all of the calls for every.little.question. (LOVE you, honey!) Kids were in a better mood as well (although, it helps that I let them watch TIVO’d WipeOut - they LOVE that show!). Off to bed with very little drama - Yay!

Friday - here’s the plan:
  • 6am workout with trainer (think out of breath, pain and nausea - and you’re there)
  • Feel amazing afterwards and be grateful for having the health to actually do all that she expects of me!
  • off to work (in jeans!!!), attend meetings, set up some new projects and celebrate the departmental June birthdays and anniversaries
  • meet the husband and kiddos at the church for their Friday evening performance
  • BED (ok, maybe dinner and then bed - but at some point, there will be a soft, comfy pillow for my tired head)

Good times. Wouldn’t trade it. Next week should be even MORE fun!

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