Tuesday, August 10, 2010

political attire

Sunday morning political TV shows dress codes give insight into what these folks wear in their offices. I watch Meet The Press and wonder how much of my tax dollars go into helping people select the most camera-ready outfit, hairstyle and accessories - all in the name of people appearing to have power and authority over their subject matter.

While my office is business casual, people in various positions determine just how casual they push that dress code envelope. I find that the more dressed up I am, the more professional I feel.

I wonder if the people who appear on the political talk shows feel the same way? The more dressed up they are, the better show they can put on. I think given the economical times, I would prefer a little less stuffy attire and a little more straight talk about the state of affairs. 

I question if the American public would take these characters seriously if they dressed slightly more casual. I’m not suggesting really casual, but maybe instead of suit and ties, chinos with a nice shirt and jacket. I just don’t understand why the political office has to appear so stuffy (and expensive). 

(Also - the amount of self tanning, the automatic lowered voices when responding to questions, the size of women’s earrings - is absolutely hilarious! Otherwise, I would get tired-head trying to take it all seriously and pay attention to what’s being said.)

For people who are voted to be the servants of American society (they represent the communities who put them in their position), they certainly dress like they are well above middle-class.

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