I have that same sinking feeling that I sometimes get from an extended vacation. You know, that feeling of “it’s almost over” and part of me is glad and the other part of me wishes it would NEVER end.
Except this feeling has absolutely nothing to do with vacation (that came and went last month).
This feeling is about the fact that the summer is almost over. My reality is that in a few days, my kids will return from their super fun summer camp and then we’ll have ONE WEEK before school starts back.
I’ve LOVED this summer. I know my kids have been really happy each and every day. My commute to the office has been easy, cheesy (hardly ANY major traffic delays). AND, during the summer, I don’t have to rush after work to pick the kids up from some evening practice. I do have to be home in time to let the babysitter leave, but it’s a doable (almost) time. The evenings with the kids have been fun: kinda lazy, with lots of quality time together.
Once school gets back in session, the traffic is insane. Pretty much double the amount of time it usually takes me to get to the office (yuck!). And, I’m always rushing after work to pick up one of the kiddos from a practice here or there. By the time everyone has their showers and gets things settled for the next day, it’s bedtime. No time to just HANG.
Okay, enough of the dread. On to the GOOD part of school season starting (because dread it or not, here it comes!). I like the fact that at some point the cooler weather will arrive and the leaves will turn a pretty color. I’ll be in sweaters before I know it, then jackets and my tall boots (I’ve missed them!). I’m already on the lookout for cute, new shoes (yet practical) for the season.
I like backpack shopping. We don’t replace backpacks every year, but this year was the year to replace - and it was seriously fun helping my daughter decide on what she wanted. I love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils (it’s one of my favorite back to school smells!). Fresh, new notebooks with clean sheets of new paper in sparkly new binders. The first day of school outfit. Back to school haircuts (which they both need - especially after being away at camp). I’m excited about the new kid care that will help us out after school (family friend that our kids LOVE). We have a lot of fun plans to look forward to this fall.
I’ve got to get over the anxious “the vacation is almost over” feeling about this summer. It is almost over and new routines will be made and some sad realities will return (like the increased traffic and travel time for my commute). Then again, that’s just the way life is - take the good with the bad and focus on the good.
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