Monday, July 11, 2011

Dina & her daily commute

Facts about Dina:
Even though she lives in Dallas, make no mistake - she’s a New Yorker
- She is the Creative Lead for a large jewelry retailer
- She is well known in her local Starbucks and so is her order - Venti Pike Place with one pump   
   toffee nut syrup
- She is close with Simon Doonan and has the picture of them together to prove it 
   (yes, bumping into him on a recent NYC trip totally counts)
- She has tiny tiny nose bling and it seriously looks amazing on her
Daily commute
How long of a commute do you have and what is it like?
It’s a ten-minute commute (not to make anyone jealous), but yeah - ten minutes.
I HAVE to listen to music, but I can’t stand hearing advertising on the radio, so I keep switching between my “go to” stations until I find music (no “news” please).
Describe a typical workday routine.
I love routine - almost rigid to a fault. I need about 45 - 50 minutes to get ready in the morning. I snooze twice, shower, hydrate my skin, stare into the abyss of my closet, blah blah blah - get ready. 
I always need Starbucks first thing every morning. I find for the nearest location when I look for a job and they know me within the first week.
No day at the office is the same because the projects I work on are all different. BUT, there is a lot of creative thinking, which I LOVE. 
The “routine” part is the creative process. I love looking for inspiration, researching, reading, talking with people and implementing that into my work.
I’m home by around 6-6:30 and I work out on the elliptical for about an hour every day. 
Then I spend a lovely evening with my husband (watching TV together).
I also talk on the phone in the evening with my sister and my mom almost every day, and my friends. When I had a longer commute, I used to spend that time talking on the phone (which was very convenient and a good use of time), but my commute is very short now.
What is one of your favorite things about your job?
Being creative - definitely the creative aspect.
I love working with people who are super passionate, inspiring, positive, ambitious, visionary and FUN.
I’m fortunate to work with people who are just fantastic, and they love the company they work for. They have a thirst for growth and success. And you just want to be a part of that. It’s definitely what I look for in a job and in people. It’s important.
When you leave the office, what goes home with you and why?
Barely anything. I really try not to take work home with me and I feel like I don’t need to. In most jobs I’ve had, my superiors would say, “There’s no need to take anything home. We’re not curing cancer.”
A few times, I have taken work home, just to prepare with an idea or a sketch in my head of what I want to try for a project. 
I bring work home more vocally - basically saying how my day was (not that I rehash EVERYTHING), and then move on with life.
How do you balance your work life and your personal life?
I think it’s really important to laugh a lot. 
My husband is a comedian and he makes me laugh all the time. I know I can count on him. He puts a smile on my face. There’s always a party by us, even when I’m in “cranky” mode - we’re laughing and being silly which just clears the air.
Working out is also how I balance the tension from work. It’s very cathartic. After an hour of working out, I feel invincible - like I can conquer the world.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring break!


Got to love ‘em, but they take a LOT of work.
Just the planning - making sure the flights are booked, the ski lift tickets are purchased, any ski rental equipment (yes, for those once-a-year-skiers: we rent) is reserved - is a lot of work.

Then there’s the office. 
Once you know you’re going to be out/away for more than a day - then you basically need to ensure that your stuff is together, questions are answered, most “to do’s” taken care of, and (very important) the voicemail and “out of office” email messages are accurate (and not too braggy about the awesome vacation you’re about to go on). AND YES - no matter the great many times I check my iPhone for work emails, I’m sure I will return to the office with a very full email inbox to manage. So, in order to get away from the office - you really end up working a lot of the time beforehand, and after you return.

And then there’s the task of packing.
UGH. I don’t really know anyone who loves THIS particular aspect of a vacation. Editing the closet down to the bare minimum of what you need (and what’s appropriate for the trip) which usually brings upon a last minute dash to the mall for something uber important - but that you’ve somehow manage to live without before this incredible trip . . . . 

I’m generally awake VERY late before a trip out of town (for vacations), because, I’m too excited to sleep and (I’ll admit), I’m still finishing needed laundry for packing. 

This year, we were fortunate to go away with some very good friends. Had an absolute BLAST with them, which made all of the “work” of taking a vacation So Very Worth It. Just getting away from a very busy (dare I say hectic) lifestyle and reconnecting with our family and friends was a great reminder that although I really like my job (I mean, I REALLY like it!),  I work for my family and for the good times spent with friends. 

Travel is good for the soul - and so is taking a break every once in a while.

Going with the motto: work hard, play hard.

(I wonder what my kid’s work motto will be?)

Monday, March 7, 2011

new spring in my steps

Went shoe shopping today for new shoes.

It’s just starting to warm up (almost ready to put my boots away) and I’m looking for new shoes for spring. I’m not ready to jump into summer gear - nothing woven and I can’t even think about sandals yet.

As I’ve been reviewing the fall runway shows - the pointy toes on the shoes have been a style that I really prefer (over the rounded toe). And because I’m on my feet running around the building from meeting to meeting, I also like a comfortable heel (kitten). I LOVE them with a trouser pant!

We’ll see how these work out. Pointy toe, kitten heel, and slingbacks.

I’m just hoping for comfort, cute and no need for bandaids!

Monday, February 28, 2011

such a mystery

I know this is late, but we had a mystery at the office on Valentine’s Day. 

No clue where these little stickers came from, but everyone in three departments on the 1st floor had these sweet little, heart-shaped stickers greeting them when they arrived at work. 

Every sticker was different.  And adorable.

It was a really nice gesture. But who would be so kind?

We have no idea. It’s a mystery completely unsolved.

I mention it, because I’m just now letting it go. I tried to figure it out - asked many people about this and nobody knows who is responsible. 

Did I mention that I’m not really a mystery person? But this - well THIS is keeping us on our toes! This was fun!

Now, looking forward to March (& some spring weather)!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy happy

What to do for the team on Valentine’s Day?

I’ve worked in a great place where a very caring individual would get heart-shaped balloons blown up each Valentine’s Day for everyone (and it wasn’t that small of a team)! Each year, we would come in and look across the cube horizon to feel immediately special - thanks to Denise. And when she left our department, we tried to continue on in her footsteps with some sort of caring act, but I’ll always remember what she would do for this particular holiday. (On people’s birthdays, Denise would always bring in their favorite dessert - that she would make herself. Amazing!)

So, while I didn’t find huge, heart-shaped balloons (where DID she get those?), I did manage to bring in some yummy chocolates for everyone. 

I’m so curious to know if others celebrated at work - and if so, how?

BTW, I got home tonight with the kiddos and just as my husband had me convinced that we weren’t really making a big deal out of Valentine’s Day - he TOTALLY did! (Of course Brooke had to jump into that moment with her signature stamp of approval.) LOVE him!!

I am lucky to have worked with wonderful, caring people like Denise - and I’m lucky still to work with my current, very talent group. Lucky at work & in love at home.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Monday, February 7, 2011

what a SLACKER!

So - I’ve been sick. 

I have a nasty cough and fever.

I’ve had to call in sick to work for two days in a row.

Very unproductive.

I couldn’t even do anything while being home sick because I felt too bad.

This Blows.

(Yes, I’ve done a lot of that, too.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

special treat

We’re SUPER busy.

Because winter has brought on several sick days, we’re in the weeds (we’re behind).

This calls for a moment of Starbucks. Delivered. To everyone.

It rarely happens, but when it’s REALLY needed - Starbucks to the rescue. 

I just hope that it helped the day go a little smoother and better.

Hey - I saw smiles and in a crunch week - that’s pretty special!

Just sayin’ . . . . 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

give me "the usual"

Last week was a VERY busy week (hence the last of posts).

Every night last week (Tuesday - Friday), I had evening plans. Each night I would go straight from the office to the church and I wouldn’t get home until late (SUPER late on Friday night). Needless to say, I was whipped. It was a great experience and I really had a ton of fun, and even better - the family totally supported me through the week. No guilt trips!! It was awesome to do something different.

BUT, to add more fun (and honestly stress) to the week - we also had my son’s 10th birthday party on Saturday. So - this added some conversations about the Very Important Cake and a “festive” discussion about why we waited so late to order his gifts. Good times.

By Sunday, I was even a little more whipped.

So, this week I’m VERY excited to have a more “normal” week at home. Of course, we’ll have our usual challenges (winter colds, daughter has a stomach thing, etc), but nothing that isn’t just a part of the daily routine. Having “too much going on” makes me really appreciate the usual pace of life.

Ultimately I would do it again and then I would be ready to jump back into regular life (always). Fast IS fun and slow is GOOD.

Monday, January 17, 2011

clean start

As I’m selecting my nail color for my manicure this week, nothing feels as appropriate for me as the fresh, clean Essie Mademoiselle color. 

It feels like the fresh start to this new year. 

Dark just wasn’t happening (not yet). Maybe as winter continues, and spring seems further away than it does right now, I’ll go for a deeper color.

What’s your color?

Monday, January 10, 2011

what 'cha gonna do?

It’s not a new topic (in fact, I’m behind most posts about this), but they say when you set a goal, to share that goal with others so you’ll be more likely to KEEP that goal.
So - here goes, my personal 2011 goals:
  1. Get “cut.” This is a goal that I’m sharing with my husband. We’ve been training for more than a couple of years, he’s run a half-marathon, and we are both extremely active in a bootcamp. We’re putting the work in, but our nutrition is not where it should be. This is the year that we’re going to take that topic more seriously, and hopefully really see all of the work that we’re putting our bodies through really create more definition. How will this help me in the office? Increase my confidence. Just that simple.
  2. Continue to improve This blog is really important to me, and I want to continue to focus on it and really develop it as I believe it should be. I have plans, now I need to set a timeline and get moving. How does this blog help me in the office? It gives me a completely different perspective on my work environment. I’m more of a student in the office than I’ve ever been. I realize how much I have to learn, and I’m fascinated every day about people’s work habits, routines and personalities. I’m constantly recognizing great post topics (so much happens!). 
  3. Build industry relationships. My husband (in sales - go figure) has been very clear that I should get out more. No, he does not mean “have a girls nite.” He means for me to find an organization of professionals that would be a peer group for me and to become a member, get involved and NETWORK. How will this help me in the office? When I have an open position, hopefully - thanks to my involvement in my organization - I’ll already know who I want to fill it.
  4. Focus on my family. (HOW MANY GOALS CAN ONE PERSON MAKE???) But, it’s true. I need to ensure that when I leave the office (hopefully not as late as much), I LEAVE the office. Meaning, I leave all of the “stuff that happened” there - and mentally I let go of it all. This will help me to really listen to my kids when they’re telling me about their day, and my dear, sweet hubby too, because I won’t be secretly thinking about an upcoming meeting or rehashing a conversation gone wrong. How will this help me in the office? I’ll be more focused while I’m at work on work, and I’ll come back after a weekend feeling more energy and refreshed because I spent time away from the office doing things and spending time with others that are my priority.
  5. Work on my listening skills and having more patience. I’ve realized that I’m not a very good listener. I enjoy talking (presentations are actually FUN for me). What can I say? I’m a ham. What I’ve started to learn is that great leaders (Really.Great.Leaders) are actually great listeners. This will improve so many relationships (both in and out of the office), that I’m very excited about this goal. Along with developing my listening skills, I would also benefit from being less impatient. I generally want what I want, when I want it. This attitude doesn’t make for a very good listener, huh? Yep - need to work on these areas. I think it’s very obvious about how these will benefit me in the office, so I’m skipping that part.
  6. Get more sleep. This goal goes along with the “get cut” goal. I want to feel well rested, and look better and I think being tired is one of the WORST feelings. I like energy, I like looking alive and healthy. Sleep is important for making better decisions and (LORD KNOWS) I cold benefit from this! How will this help me in the office? I’ll be in a better mood, less snippy, and my overall productivity will improve.
  7. Go digital in meetings. Yep - I SAID IT. I’m thinking that when the new iPad launches (with the camera that it is rumored to have), I’m going to invest in one and start using it for notes in meetings. To have all of my notes be digital files (instead of having a desk drawer with old notebooks in them) will be much more efficient and productive, than my current notebook system. I don’t write notes quickly because I’m usually preoccupied by how “neat” or “well organized” my notes are. How will this help me in the office? Having notes saved by keywords that I can pull up in a meeting will be VERY helpful. (Hint Hint, honey! And yes, I know you need one, too!)
  8. Make my vacation time COUNT. Last year, we wanted to go somewhere for Spring Break, but let the time slip up on us without making the plans. We’ve already been talking about going skiing this year. Now we just need to plan the trip and GO. I want quality time. I want good times (fun for everyone). I want my kids to learn something or grow a skill. I want to get away and not wonder what I’m missing in the office (yeah, like THAT’s going to happen - but one can dream!). So far, we’ve kicked around our kids first trip overseas, a ski trip and a trip to see some close relatives. We’ve officially planned nothing - so we need to GET ON THIS. Office? Yep - they want someone who enjoys a balanced life to work there. It’s better for everyone if I can lose the control freak inside (at least a little).
I’m sure there’s more I should do, but really - the fewer items on my list, the better my focus will be. And yes, I kicked around the idea of trying to cut back on my TV viewing, but really - I’m already pretty focused on that. It would be more of a continuation of this goal from 2010. I’d be better off to mention that I might try to cook something (without having a lot of smoke or fire in my kitchen). But that’s really far down on my list - and quite honestly a long shot. 
What’s on your list? Oh come on, I KNOW you’ve thought about it! 
Share . . . . 

Friday, January 7, 2011

are you lookin' at ME?

When you’re upset (okay – mad) about your job . . . are you really mad about something you do, are doing or didn’t do?
Remember that scene in the movie The Devil Wears Prada, where Emily (who is super sick, but has an evening work event that she’s going to) turns to her computer whispering to herself, “I love my job I love my job I love my job,” in a way that truly conveys the opposite?
The very moment before that scene, Emily had just been bragging to Andrea (the 2nd assistant to the editor in chief of a VERY Vogueish fashion magazine) about the fact that she was getting to go to this very important event (mainly because Andrea DIDN’T). Emily even mentions that she had been dieting because she was wearing Valentino . . . . clearly, not miffed about “having” to go. 
But, she doesn’t feel good. She’s actually sick with a gross stuffed nose. 
Had she felt good, she probably would have bragged more and have been even more snooty to Andrea (if that’s possible) about getting to go to this high society, high fashion event.
I think what she was really thinking during her “I love my job” chant was: “Why did I get sick Why did I get sick Why did I get sick?”
I’m starting to realize that each time I feel the “work yuck scowl” developing, I actually can trace this awful feeling back to me. Something that I messed up, or didn’t do (procrastination is NOT my best friend), or my perfection expectations of others can completely rob me of my work joy.
I DO actually, in fact, enjoy my job.
I like what I do.
I work very hard to get really good at what I do.
I like who I work with. We have a great team with TONS of talent.
I like the company and see it moving in a great direction. 
But, I’m far from perfect and sometimes imperfection in myself or (let’s be honest) in others can really mess with my attitude. 
I generally feel pretty darn happy at work. I’ll feel even happier when I start to “own” those whoops moments and realize that I’m miffed at myself, not my job. It’s a good lesson for me – and that’s why I’m sharing it with you so that we can all sit around and whisper (with good karma), 
“I love my job I love my job I love my job . . . .”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

awkward moments

You know those moments when it’s super awkward in the office and suddenly you just “wanna get away?”

Yep - had one of those today. Personal phone conversation with the (usually most awesome) hubby. We were discussing an upcoming vacation and where to stay, which should have been fun to talk about, but really wasn’t. We were trying to discuss this while there was real work going on (for both of us). It was something that we couldn’t put off any longer which made it frustrating (for both of us) and ultimately it a tense conversation. 


The worst part to me (because really - after as long as we’ve been married, the occasional tense conversation isn’t a big deal) was that I didn’t want that negative energy to seep into my office or for anyone at work to have to sense my tension. 

Just saying - sometimes it’s pretty tough to keep the work life and home life separate, especially in our home of two busy professionals with our busy kids. Work interruptions happen (part of life), but in the future, if a conversation starts to get to that level of frustrating - my plan is to diffuse the tension, get a resolution and get off the phone as quick as possible. Deal with the issue, move on and end the whole conversation in the most pleasant manner possible (for both his and my sanity).

After the tense portion of our conversation, we ended by talking about a very yummy pot roast that my most awesome hubby was making for dinner tonight. Ahhhh - comfort food. 

Yep - he’s a super, awesome hubby who COOKS (and he would add CLEANS up the kitchen mess when he’s done).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

never too late

So, yesterday I had the nicest surprise - someone brought me a VERY thoughtful gift!

She gave it to me with a, “well you gave me a Christmas gift and I wanted to get you something as well . . . “ - which was TOTALLY not necessary, but I really am so happy that she did because I was really very excited about the gift of small envelopes (along with a very unique and gorgeous card)!

These envelopes are perfectly sized for business cards (or business card stock - so you can make small correspondence for which she has become known to do around our office).  I had asked her before where she got these amazingly petite envelopes and she had mentioned that they were from Paper Source and that they were called, “Baby Envelopes.” 

Here’s a link to them:

So super stylish is she that I completely adored such a nice thoughtful way to begin the new year with this undeserved, but very sweet act of kindness.


How was your first day back in the office?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Here we go again!

I’m excited to start the new year in the office. 

Last week, I cleaned out, cleaned up by purging all of the extra paper hanging around my desk and bookshelves. I also caught up on my “to do” list in preparation for some upcoming meetings. 

The last thing I did before leaving for the last day of the year was to clean out my personal drawer - you know, the one which houses my pack of gum, hand lotions, extra plastic forks and knives. It felt so good to make everything fresh and clean. 

I realize that it probably won’t take long for a few extra pieces of paper to creep back onto the desk, and I really didn’t get to absolutely everything (like the old WWD editions to be put away), but at least it feels good and looks WAY more professional for now.

What did you do to get ready for the new year in your same office space?

didn't miss a thing!

So happy to have gone back to work today. I was happy to get back into my work routine (even though it’s not exactly typical with so many people still on holiday vacation this week). For me, this Christmas break was PERFECT. Our office was closed on Thursday and Friday, Christmas was Saturday, Sunday we put all of our Christmas decorations away and I came back into the office today.

I wasn’t out of the office for too long. Sometimes the longer I’m away from the office, the more I dread going back in (So Many Emails To Catch Up On). In this case - I enjoyed plenty of quality family time, but when I returned to the office, I only had to deal with promotional emails. No worries there.

It was awesome to be out of the office and not wonder or worry about what I was missing. When else are all work deadlines non-existent or suspended? 

Loved it! This made my Christmas Very Merry!