Monday, January 27, 2014

1.27.14 excited about: future

I haven’t posted in months. All I can say is that I experienced a huge wave of change in the office that has kept me extremely busy over the past several months. Too busy for much else. (Insert many parental lectures about the importance of work/life balance. Yep - of course, they are right.)

I’ll keep this brief, but I am super excited about my future. I’ve begun by making changes (hopefully for the better). In the meantime, I hope that this new year has begun on a very positive note for you as well.

If you’re not - do something about it:
Dive in deeper (invest fully in what you want to accomplish) and expect more of yourself
Ask yourself what else you might pursue - and then Go After That.

As my husband (pictured above) has been saying for a while now,
“Life is too short. Don’t have regrets.”

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