Thursday, April 15, 2010

feeling green

So, I'm in a meeting and it's not going well.

Ultimately, I am having a very rare occurance of feeling TERRIBLE at work. Unfortunately, the meeting is completely for my benefit. It's regarding direction for a project that I'm working on and so I really need to be attentive, clear headed and need to just get through the meeting without throwing up on the conference table, people's notes, or for that matter - people.

The question becomes, do I let those who are in the meeting with me in on the fact that I'm extremely ill - or do I just try to make it through without having to admit my stomach's need to hurl?

Well - the decision was made for me.

No NO - I DID NOT vomit during the meeting (or dash out of the meeting with my hand over my mouth). Nothing that dramatic. I simply realized that I was talking funny. I was SO focused on keeping my stomach contents in check (my apologies for grossing you out), that I was talking extremely slow, kinda soft and my words became very looooooonnnnnnng. It was just weird.

I needed to confess. And I did.

Well, I got through it. Actually, as I thought the meeting was over, it wasn't - we had another little pow-wow (different subject) afterwards. I got through that as well.

It was embarrassing though. Ever been through something like this?

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