Monday, April 12, 2010

what have you been reading lately?

If you were watching the Bravo series "Kell On Earth," then you might also like to learn more about Kelly Cutrone.

Her new book, "If You Have To Cry Go Outside And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You," will definitely give you a broadened picture of who Kelly is and how she came to be the owner of her fashion PR company, People's Revolution. My favorite chapters of this book were chapter seven, "You Are The Brand: Normal Gets You Nowhere," and also chapter eight, "If You Have To Cry, Go Outside" because these are the meaty chapters with advice for building personal brands and future careers. For those of us already on our way, it's a good reminder of what we like about our own journey. The fact that it is personal, kooky and always evolving.

When you decide to invest in this book, please keep in mind that Kelly Cutrone has become a household name to a younger demographic, thanks to her presence on the TV shows "The Hills," "The City" and now "Kell On Earth." So her main target audience for this book is high school students, college students and 20 somethings. If you are a fan, you'll enjoy getting to know a more personal side of Kelly. For instance, you'll read about the birth of her daughter, Ava. You'll also gain an appreciation for how she has built her business and you'll get an insider glance at how she operates her office.

If you've watched her give Whitney Port advice on "The City" over the past seasons, (or watched her Bravo show lately), you'll already expect that her read will be kinda kooky until she talks business. Then, she really shines and suddenly, you realize that she's crazy like a fox.

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