Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the short list

Every day has new challenges. Meetings, questions, discussions, phone calls and emails. 
I'm going in early today to try to get ahead on a couple of projects because I have two meetings that I know are going to take up some major time (either in the actual meetings or preparing for them). 
Honestly, I know that going in a little early will allow me to cross off a lot of my "to do" list left over from yesterday and I'm pretty darn excited about that!
My project list is never-ending (thank goodness!), but if I can keep it to a minimum by clearing out the easy stuff - then it makes me panic a little bit less. I like to keep my list as short as possible, or at least keep it pretty steady, so that I'm not letting many items pile up into a big stress ball for me.
What's your strategy of taking care of your "to do" items?

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