Friday, May 28, 2010

knowing your stuff

I had a VP once that always had her people in leadership positions reading and giving what were essentially casual book reports. It was to her super important for us to be informed of the latest industry business theories. The other work practice that she stressed to us was to be well aware of what our competitors were doing. It gave me a whole respect for what “research” could do for my career.

Many years, leaders and even companies later, I still consider this idea of research to be a very important responsibility. I like to be the person who has a very important article regarding my industry to pass around the office. 

Reading up on industry news displays an interest in your industry, shows engagement in your company and will help to gain knowledge which you can apply each day for better-informed decisions.

It’s just part of my “homework” and yes, it’s an investment, but it really pays off at work. I read print magazines, books and industry publications as well as subscribe to certain websites. Also, I REALLY keep an eye on my competitors to study strategies and brand positioning (which is key to knowing what you need to do to differentiate your own brand).

What do you do to stay ahead of the knowledge curve for your career?

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