Tuesday, May 25, 2010

when life gives you lemons

You know it’s a Monday when you actually arrive at the office nice and EARLY (to get a jump on the upcoming super busy day) and apparently all technology is failing you. It turns out the breaker switch for my office was “tricked” over the weekend and none of my outlets were working. 

The good news was that the cause of the failed technology was figured out really fast, FIXED super quick and I was able to get on with my awesome (okay, I’m just trying to convince myself on that note) Monday.

Lessons learned?
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff
  • It pays to have a good relationship with the office tech gurus
  • It’s also really nice to work with people who want to be helpful
  • Once something starts your day on a “bad” note, look for the good side of it to quickly turn it around for yourself

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