Friday, March 19, 2010

taking it home

Well, here’s to the end of the week - the beginning of a really great weekend - and possibly the accomplishment of all of the work that you might be taking home to do “in your spare time.”

When Friday late afternoon, early evening approaches - I tend to hit panic mode. I’m sorting through all of the things that I would LOVE to have all wrapped up and finished before the weekend, but don’t for various reasons. Then I start to worry about what the beginning of next week looks like - and how I just don’t know how it’s possible to NOT take it all with me and work on it, at some point, over the weekend.

Then, the weekend hits. It starts off innocently enough - with only a few plans (or kid games) scattered here and there - but before I even have a chance to sit and relax - it’s over. That’s when I start to mentally figure out what I REALLY need to have worked on in order for the following week to go more smoothly. I do as much as I can, check my emails - and go to sleep.

I try to have work/life balance. Sometimes not doing all of my “homework” is my way of telling myself that work is not my life. BUT - doing some of my “homework” is also my way of respecting my work, my team and giving myself the gift of accomplishment (and less “To Do’s”).

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