Thursday, March 11, 2010

what's this about?

Yep - this is what I saw on my way into work. Mixed signals - both green and red lights lit at the same time. It wasn’t a blip - they were both just “on.” You hear about getting mixed signals in a personal relationship, but what about when you get them at work? Sometimes things are on a good roll:
- the deal went through
- the client was THRILLED!
- sales look great

Sometimes they’re not:
- office drama (politics)
- not being as productive as you want to be
- missed project deadlines

That’s the part about work that I love the most: you have to have bad days to help define and really enjoy the good days. What once was considered a “good day” now has new definitions thanks to a recession that has altered how most companies operate on a daily basis. Still, there are plenty of good days to be had and a great way to have more good days is by communicating as clear as possible, ensuring that expectations are super-clear and that everyone knows their contribution or role.

Communicating clearly enables better days in the office by:
- giving people a definition to their part of an organization or responsibility within a project which empowers that person to move ahead with their best effort
- sets clear expectations of project timelines and allows all people involved to work towards a common goal
- demonstrates respect for your internal and external clients
- allowing for more delegation when possible - so that you can focus on your own “to do” list and get more things done

Clear, respectful communication is the ultimate way to avoid mixed signals.

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